How could it happen?
For 839 days Søren Lyngbjørn and Eddy Lopez were held in captivity in Somalia after their ship was hijacked by Somali pirates. How did they end up in this predicament?
Jakob Bjerregaard Engmann from Baggårdsteateret says “We didn’t stick to the known facts but gave fiction more rein. The story of the Danish captain and first mate was already a familiar one, so the Somali pirates feature as our leading characters in 839 DAYS. There is always more than one angle”.
Playwright Henrik Szklany carried out extensive research and worked with Lyngbjørn and Lopez following their release to create an emotional account that moves from the small Danish island of Ærø to the vastness of East Africa as it gives us a handle on piracy – one of the most complicated international challenges of recent times.