LECTURE is a moral musical, served with a twist of irony and a heavy sprinkle of rock n’ roll. LECTURE is an exploration into the teen mind.
The talented ensemble creates seven teenage personalities, and switch with pinpoint accuracy from one to the other.
The teenagers are sinners. They tell racist jokes, screw around and download porn. The dialogue is sharp and comic, but the characters often touching and somehow loveable.
Moral and music – but first and foremost, LECTURE is a comedy.
An educational, ironic farce with a purpose: the acute questioning of moral norms. The Seven Deadly Sins has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning (immoral) fallen man’s tendency to sin.
Through loving parody and well-choreographed slap stick comedy, the play grabs the young audience by the scruff of the neck and shakes it until it gets the message.
Teenagers and their teachers/parents laugh together at the irredeemable childishness of adolescent behaviour, and the well-ment stupidity of their adults.
LECTURE not only sums up the zeitgeist, but criticises it as well.
Producing theatres BaggårdTeatret and Mungo Park produces new plays that are contemporary in language, urgent in theme and often experimental in form. But first and foremost plays who wants to entertain, to surprise and to meet with their audiences. It is new writing with a unique and distinctive language.
Age range: 14 years and up
Space required: 10x12x4 metres
120 seats are provided